Active Packaging for Vegetables

Controlled Atmosphere


Optimum product storage temperature :      2.0 to 4.0°C

Storage time (without Active Packaging):     120-210 days

Humidity: 90-95  %RH

Freezing point:   -1.5 ° C

Ethylene production:  Very high

Ethylene sensitivity:    High

Ethylene can accelerate senescence and loss of firmness.

Storage Conditions

Optimum product storage temperature:                         2.0 to 4.0°C

Temperature set point:                                                              2.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary

 For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       

 for 20′               10 m3/h 

 for 40′               15 m3/h 

Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       2.0 to 7.0°C

Active Packaging

Required O2:        %1-3 

Required CO2:      %1-3 

Ethylene Absorbent:    Yes

Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +71 days

Bag Size: 85 cm * 75 cm (W*L)

Postharvest protocols

Fruit should be harvested before starch degradation is complete

Not compatible with fresh produces that emit ethylene gas

Absorbs odours from Onions and Potatoes


Sanitation of water systems used to handle apples is important. Chlorine at 50 to 100 ppm is very effective, but the level of available chlorine and solution pH (7.0) must be monitored frequently and adjusted. Sodium will accumulate when liquid sodium hypochlorite is used and can burn apple tissues. 


Optimum product storage temperature :      0.0 to 1.0°C

Storage time (without Active Packaging):  21 days

Humidity: 90-100 %RH

Freezing point:   -0.5 ° C

Ethylene production:  Very low

Ethylene sensitivity:    low

Storage Conditions

Optimum product storage temperature:                        0.0 to 1.0°C

Temperature set point:                                                              0.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary

 For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       

 for 20′               60 m3/h 

 for 40′               120 m3/h 

Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       0.0 to 5.0°

Active Packaging

Required O2:        %5-10 

Required CO2:      %10-15 

Ethylene Absorbent:    No

Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +25 days


Postharvest Protocols

Skin color and soluble solids content (SSC) are the main criteria used to judge fruit maturity

Compatible with fresh produces that emit ethylene gas

Absorbs odours from Apple, Carrot and Onions

Temperature management (rapid cooling to optimum storage temperature) can completely control Rhizopus Rot and significantly reduce Brown Rot and Grey Mold


Optimum product storage temperature:      12.0°C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 28 days (green)-14 days (ripe)
Humidity: 90-95  %RH
Freezing point:   – ° C
Ethylene production:  Low end for mature-green bananas and high end for ripening bananas
Ethylene sensitivity:    High
Ethylene can accelerate senescence and loss of firmness.
 As bananas ripen, their starch content is converted into sugars and consequently increases sweetness

Storage Conditions

Optimum product storage temperature:                         12 to 14°C
Temperature set point:                                                              12°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               — m3/h 
for 40′               — m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       10 to 12°C

Active Packaging

Required O2:        %2-5 
Required CO2:      %2-5 
Ethylene Absorbent:    Yes
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +28 days for green and +7 days for ripe
Bag Size: 85 cm * 75 cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Minimize bruising 

prompt cooling to 14°C 

 proper sanitation of handling facilities

 hot water treatments such as 5 minutes in 50°C water

 fungicide treatment to control crown rot



Optimum product storage temperature:      5.0°C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 90 days
Humidity: 90-95  %RH
Freezing point:   — ° C
Ethylene production:  Very low
Ethylene sensitivity:    very low (Exposure to 1-10ppm ethylene for 1-3 days at 20-30°C may be used for degreening oranges)

Storage Conditions

Optimum product storage temperature:                          5.0°C
Temperature set point:                                                           5.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               –m3/h 
for 40′               –m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       5.0 to 7.0°C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %5-10 
Required CO2:      %0-5 
Ethylene Absorbent:    Suggested 
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +60 days
Bag Size: 85 cm * 75 cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Minimizing physical damage during harvesting and handling

Treatment with postharvest fungicides

Prompt cooling and subsequent maintenance of optimum temperature and relative humidity

Removal  of ethylene

Effective sanitation procedures throughout postharvest handling



Optimum product storage temperature:      1.0 °C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 14 days
Humidity: 90-95  %RH
Freezing point:   -2.5 ° C
Ethylene production:  Very low
Ethylene sensitivity:    Low

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                         1.0°C
Temperature set point:                                                           1.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               –m3/h 
for 40′               –m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       2.0 to 10.0°C

Active Packaging

Required O2:        %6 
Required CO2:      %17 
Ethylene Absorbent:    No

CO2 emitter:                  Yes
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +16 days
Bag Size: 65cm * 50cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Minimum postharvest life occurs when fruit is stored at 5°C

Gentle fruit handling



Optimum product storage temperature:      1.0°C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 50-100 days
Humidity: 90-95  %RH
Freezing point:   -3.0 ° C
Ethylene production:  Very Low
Ethylene sensitivity:    Very low

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                         1.0°C
Temperature set point:                                                           1.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               10 m3/h 
for 40′               15 m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       0.0 to 4.0°C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %2-5 
Required CO2:      %1-5 
Ethylene Absorbent:    No

Sulfur Pad:                       Yes
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +25 days
Bag Size: 45cm * 55cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Harvest date is determined by Soluble Solids Concentration (SSC) of 14 to 17.5%

Controlling pack depth and fruit packing density

Gentle handling

Gray mold is the most destructive of the postharvest diseases of table grapes



Optimum product storage temperature:      10.0°C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 14-21 days
Humidity: 85-90%RH
Freezing point:   —° C
Ethylene production:  low
Ethylene sensitivity:    moderate
Exposure to an ethylene will cause unacceptable loss of firmness and eating quality

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                         10.0°C
Temperature set point:                                                          10.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               –m3/h 
for 40′               –m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       10 to 15°C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %15-20 
Required CO2:      %0-1 
Ethylene Absorbent:    No
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +7 days
Bag Size: 85 cm * 75 cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Gentle Handling



Optimum product storage temperature:      0.0°C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 7-10 days
Humidity: 85-90  %RH
Freezing point:   -2.5 ° C
Ethylene production:  Medium
Ethylene sensitivity:    Low

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                       0.0°C
Temperature set point:                                                         0.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               15 m3/h 
for 40′               30 m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       0.0 to 5.0°C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %5-10 
Required CO2:      %15-20 
Ethylene Absorbent:    No

CO2 emitter:                   Yes
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +15days
Bag Size: 45cm * 55cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Not compatible with fresh produces that are sensitive to ethylene gas
Absorbs odours from Apple, Garlic and Onions
Strict sanitation of picking and transporting containers

Careful handling to minimize abrasions, cracks, and other physical damage

Do not pick figs for fresh market from the ground

Prompt cooling to 0°C  



Optimum product storage temperature:      0.0°C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 14-21 days
Humidity: 90-95  %RH
Freezing point:   -1.1 ° C
Ethylene production:  High
Ethylene sensitivity:    High

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                         0.0°C
Temperature set point:                                                          0.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               60 m3/h 
for 40′               120 m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       0.0 to 4.5°C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %2-3 
Required CO2:      %2-3 
Ethylene Absorbent:    No
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +12days
Bag Size: 45cm * 55cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Gentle handling
Not compatible with fresh produces that emit ethylene gas



Optimum product storage temperature:     0.0°C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 21 days
Humidity: 90-95  %RH
Freezing point:   -1.5 ° C
Ethylene production:  High
Ethylene sensitivity:    High

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                        0.0°C
Temperature set point:                                                         0.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               10 m3/h 
for 40′               15 m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       0.0 to 4.0°C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %1-3 
Required CO2:      %1-3 
Ethylene Absorbent:    Yes
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +40 days
Bag Size: 45cm * 55cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Prompt cooling and maintenance of optimum fruit temperature minimize this disorder
Not compatible with fresh produces that emit ethylene gas
Absorbs odours from Onions and Potatoes



Optimum product storage temperature:      2.0 to 5.0°C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 15 days
Humidity: 90-95  %RH
Freezing point:   –° C
Ethylene production:  High
Ethylene sensitivity:    Moderate

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                         2.0 to 5.0°C
Temperature set point:                                                              2.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               –m3/h 
for 40′               –m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       2.0 to 10.0°C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %3 
Required CO2:      %10 
Ethylene Absorbent:    —
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +20days
Bag Size: 85 cm * 75 cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Rapid precooling soon after harvest is essential for optimal postharvest keeping quality

The precooling endpoint is typically 10°C

Forced-air cooling is the most common practice but hydrocooling is also utilize



Optimum product storage temperature:      5.0°C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 60 days
Humidity: 90-95  %RH
Freezing point:   –° C
Ethylene production:  Low
Ethylene sensitivity:    Low
Pomegranates do not ripen after harvest

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                         5.0°C
Temperature set point:                                                           5.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               —m3/h 
for 40′               —m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       5.0 to 10.0°C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %3 
Required CO2:      %6
Ethylene Absorbent:    No

CO2 emitter:                   Yes (inhibit growth of Botrytis cinerea)
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +210days
Bag Size: 85 cm * 75 cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Sanitation washes


Harvest Conditions
– Harvest Time: 

When there is no 
change in the flavor (sugar/acid 
ration is constant) or acidity of 
the juice be less than 1.85%
– Harvest Method: 

one-by-one through twisting to 
right and left
– Separation of the scuffed and 
bruised fruits 
– Conditioning and washing in 
warm water of 51 C for 1 
minute and cooling with forced 
air to 7 C 
– It is recommended to treat the 
fruits with a safe wax to reduce 
the water loss 
3- Fruit quality prior to packaging 
– Make sure the fruit is completely dry 
– The fruit should be firm and free 
from scuffing, cuts, bruises 
sunburn and decay 
– The special grade for export 
should contain at least 25% from 
the top quality fruits with > 
300gr weight


‐ The specific bag for pomegranate should be utilized. 

 The best is when each fruit is sorted in a single row individually then in strong, well ventilated fiberboard cartons. 

‐ Maximum allowed weight is 12 Kg depending on the importing country

 ‐ Bags must be sealed either by heat seal or tie wrap or simply tied. 

5- Storage

 ‐ Optimum temperature: 5-7 C

 ‐ Relative humidity: 90-95% 

‐ Shelf life: up to 6 months 





Optimum product storage temperature:     0.0°C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 7 days
Humidity: 90-95  %RH
Freezing point:   — ° C
Ethylene production:  Low
Ethylene sensitivity:    Low

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                         0.0°C
Temperature set point:                                                           0.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               –m3/h 
for 40′               –m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       0.0 to 5.0°C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %6 
Required CO2:      %17 
Ethylene Absorbent:    No

CO2 emitter:                   Yes (for reduction of internal breakdown)
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +20days
Bag Size: 45cm * 55cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Killing temperature range 2-8°C

Preharvest fungicide 

Prompt cooling after harvest

Postharvest fungicide treatment 



Optimum product storage temperature:     12.0°C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 30 days
Humidity: 85-90%RH
Freezing point:   —° C
Ethylene production:  Very high
Ethylene sensitivity:    very High
Ethylene can accelerate senescence and loss of firmness.

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                         12.0°C
Temperature set point:                                                          12.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               – m3/h 
for 40′               – m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:    12.0 – 15.0 °C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %3-5 
Required CO2:      %5-8 
Ethylene Absorbent:    —
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +30days
Bag Size: 85 cm * 75 cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols





Optimum product storage temperature:      13.0°C (for green) and  10.0°C (for ripe) 
Storage time (without Active Packaging):  28 days (for green) and 9 days (ripe)
Humidity: 90-95  %RH
Freezing point:   –° C
Ethylene production:  High
Ethylene sensitivity:    High

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                        13.0°C (for green) and  10.0°C (for ripe) 
Temperature set point:                                                             –°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               –m3/h 
for 40′               –m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       10.0 to 130°C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %3-5 
Required CO2:      %5-8 
Ethylene Absorbent:    No
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +35 days (for green) and +7 days (for ripe)
Bag Size: 85 cm * 75 cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Gentle handling

Hot water treatment: 5-10 minutes dip in 50°C water

Postharvest fungicide



Optimum product storage temperature:      0.0°C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 70 days

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                         0.0°C
Temperature set point:                                                          0.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               –m3/h 
for 40′               –m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       0.0 to 7.0°C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %1-2 
Required CO2:      %3-5 
Ethylene Absorbent:    Yes
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +75days
Bag Size: 85 cm * 75 cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Avoid exposure of unripe kiwifruits to ethylene during harvest, transport, and storage

CO2 levels above 7% can cause internal breakdown



Optimum product storage temperature:      12.0°C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 40 days
Humidity: 90-95  %RH
Freezing point:   -1.5 ° C
Ethylene production:  Very Low
Ethylene sensitivity:    High
Ethylene causes limes to lose their green color and unmask their yellow pigments, which is undesirable for marketing green limes. 

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                         12.0°C
Temperature set point:                                                          12.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               –m3/h 
for 40′               –m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       12.0 to 14.0°C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %5-10 
Required CO2:      %0-10 
Ethylene Absorbent:    Yes
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +45 days
Bag Size: 85 cm * 75 cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Avoiding exposure to ethylene (Ethylene causes limes to lose their green color and unmask their yellow pigments, which is undesirable for marketing green limes)

Gentle handling

Dipping in hot water (50-53°C) for 2-3 minutes
Using chlorine in wash water, postharvest fungicides, and or biological antagonists

Cooling to optimum temperature and subsequent maintenance of optimum temperature and relative humidity



Optimum product storage temperature:      12.0°C
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 180 days
Humidity: 90-95  %RH
Freezing point:   —° C
Ethylene production:  Low
Ethylene sensitivity:    Moderate

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                         12.0°C
Temperature set point:                                                          12.0°C

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               –m3/h 
for 40′               –m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       12.0 to 14.0°C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %5-10 
Required CO2:      %1-10 
Ethylene Absorbent:    recommended
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +45days
Bag Size: 85 cm * 75 cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Removal of ethylene from lemon storage facilities can reduce rate of senescence and decay incidence

Gentle handling

Treatment with postharvest fungicides

Prompt cooling 




Optimum product storage temperature:      13.0°C (green), 10.0°C (partially ripe) and  7.0°C (for ripe)
Storage time (without Active Packaging): 21 days (for green), 14 days (for partially ripe) and 10 days (for ripe)
Humidity: 90-95  %RH
Freezing point:   —° C
Ethylene production:  Low
Ethylene sensitivity:    Low

Storage Conditions


Optimum product storage temperature:                        13.0°C (green), 10.0°C (partially ripe) and  7.0°C (for ripe)
Temperature set point:                                                         13.0°C (green), 10.0°C (partially ripe) and  7.0°C (for ripe)

Add a margin for uncertainty in equipment performance if necessary
For return air control set point add 1 °C to delivery set point. 

Ventilation (air exchange) settings for containers       
for 20′               –m3/h 
for 40′               –m3/h 
Acceptable product temperature at loading into container:       10.0 to 15.0°C

Active Packaging


Required O2:        %3-5 
Required CO2:      %5-8 
Ethylene Absorbent:    No

Edible Coating:              Yes
Shelf-life extension by Active Packaging:   +28 days for green, +20 days for partially ripe and +12 days for ripe
Bag Size: 85 cm * 75 cm (W*L)

Postharvest Protocols


Exposure of papayas to temperatures above 30°C for longer than 10 days or to temperature-time combinations beyond those needed for decay and/or insect control result in heat injury

Quick cooling to 13°C after heat treatments minimizes heat injury